Capital Project Management / Capital Budgeting
Capital Project Management / Project Management

Uploading Documents to Actions

You have the option to upload documents and drawings to a project. To do so, you must create an action, assign the action the Action Type of Project-Document, save the action, and then upload the document or drawing.

To create an action to store a document or drawing:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select the Add or Edit Actions task.
  2. In the Approved Projects panel, select the name of the project request that you want to edit.

    The action items for the selected project appear in the Action Items panel.

  3. Click the Add New button in the Action Items panel.

    The Edit Task dialog appears.

  4. Enter the following required fields:

    Action Title: Enter a unique title to identify the action.

    Action Type: Select Project-Document from the Action Type list.

  5. Select the value of Project-Document for the Action Type field.
    : If you create an action to store a document or drawing, it should be used specifically for this purpose. You should not assign any additional values to this action.
  6. Enter additional information for the action.
  7. Click the Save button to save the action.
    : You can only add documents or drawings after you have saved an action.
  8. Use the document management button next to the Document field to search for and select the document or drawing. See the Using the Document Management System topic for more information.
  9. Click the Save button to save your changes.
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